Our oldest granddaughter’s birthday was on the 24th of June. She turned 26 and was a feisty one-year old when she attended our wedding in 1994. There have been a lot of wonderful memories over the years of Christmases, Birthdays and family get-togethers watching as Karly grew into a very beautiful young woman. She’s been through some good times, sad times and even stressful times with her love life. A huge animal lover, it soon became apparent she would follow her love and enter into the Veterinary field. Alas, she has the job she’s always wanted, as a Veterinary Assistant, taking a hands-on approach to treating, caring and healing animals of all kinds. She’s at her happiest when a four-legged creature is in her arms.
Needless to say, it was a great surprise for us when we received a message that Nat and I were invited out to supper with Karly’s Mom, Laura, and her brother, Lucas. She had picked the restaurant of her choice and on the 26th we joined her family for a very enjoyable meal. It was very nice to have some quality time with the three of them and listen to dear Lucas rattle on about his life and fitness routine. He, too, has grown into a tall, good looking young man with biceps and upper body form any 22-year old would envy. Needless to say, Nat is very proud of his grandchildren and their maturity.
A couple days later I was off to see my regular Doctor. My face had sprouted a couple of red marks and for the past couple of months just sat there, one on my upper cheek and the other on my upper lip. Every now and again I would scratch the two making them redder. They were not appearing to grow like the previous spot near my lips that was lasered off but were still giving me a bit of worry only because they were not healing or clearing up. My Doc gave them a look with her magnifying glass, told me they were a medical term I fail to remember and told me she could get rid of them by using Nitro (like dry ice). She also gave me another option but the Nitro seemed quicker and I would be out of there right away. With my permission, she grabbed her Nitro Bottle with nozzle, held it over each spot and shot some extremely cold dry ice (?) on them. With that, I was up and at ’em and on my way home. All that worry for naught.
I’ve also been going through a two week routine where I have to check my blood pressure and pulse about 3-4 times a day so my Doc in Hamilton can check to see if its coming down. I’m on extra Blood Pressure meds which appear to be working, as I’ve been feeling so much better and have a bit more energy than several weeks ago. It also appears that some of my balance issues have dissipated and I won’t complain, as that really takes some stress off my shoulders. It feels so good to be back to my old self, or as much as I can. It’s also felt wonderful not to have any doctor or dental appointments in over a month and I’m thrilled with every moment. I’ve just past the first anniversary of my dental surgery and that’s one celebration I won’t be having!!!!